The Great Taking

The Great Taking concisely explains what every American Homeowner and students who were pushed loans knew about the fraudulent securitization scheme. Homeowners tried to tell the courts and state attorneys general that these loans were not mortgages – but actually securities, and that the UCC laws had been changed in the mid 1990s which allowed the thieves to prevail in the pilferage of properties while the thieves wiped out the pension systems worldwide. Scroll down (they make it difficult for Rumble videos).

Take an hour and watch The Great Taking because whether or not you own a home or rent one – what is coming will directly affect you and you’ll want to be prepared.

“‘The Great Taking’ is a not-for-profit documentary produced by former hedge fund manager, David Rogers Webb, which alerts us to the privately-controlled Central Banks’ preparations for the inevitable financial collapse.

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The Final Interview with Foreclosure Defense Expert Neil Garfield

This is a must listen to excellent interview with Neil Garfield by attorney Lance Denha and every American Homeowner must share with their local and federal political representatives. Neil is completely frank about the fraudulent securitization system. Neil left us with incredible truths about the foreclosure (aka land grab) system used by the makers and sellers of these fraudulent financial products.

Neil Garfield knew the “system”. He had worked in it – and he recognized the blatant fraud years ago. He set out his entire life to helping homeowner victims that were sold fraudulent financial products aimed at destroying middle class Americans. The system was rigged, the courts were complicit, the foreclosure attorneys sold their souls.

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Student Loans are Indorsed in Blank and Are Uncollectable

See: Impact of Securitization and securitization-a-primer/

According to SEC rules student loans are supposed to be transferred into a trust; however they never actually deliver the note. If the note is NOT indorsed into the trust the note is void and uncollectable.

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It’s 2022, An Election Year – AND SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE

By Sydney Sullivan

Original Uploaded on Oct 9, 2009
Rep. Marcy Kaptur talks about trying to work with banks to prevent foreclosures in her hometown of Toledo, Ohio. Bill Moyers Journal airs Friday nights at 9 pm on PBS.

See also: 

“Stay in Your Homes – You Are Going To Find They Don’t Have That “Paper” Up There On Wall Street”

This is where I first learned the term of political fraud pandering. American Homeowners thought they had a cheerleader and it turns out Marcy Kaptur and the rest of her political cronies were just another bunch of do nothing politicians. They had the chance to write legislation to outlaw the fraudulent securitization schemes, robo-signing and UNREGULATED DERIVATIVE and they did nothing! The small in consequential crap they did do, like the $25 million National Mortgage Settlement that Kamala Harris oversaw, was a drop in the bucket to the TRILLION$ of debt the banks created from Americans’ mortgages and never helped the over 56+ million American families that lost, short sales, or walked away from their homes. This and other bank/government “settlements” were just a smokescreen leading up to another election.

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An Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump & HUD Secretary Ben Carson

Regarding the 2020 Foreclosure & Eviction Moratorium

By Sydney Sullivan

For nearly a dozen years, we have followed the securitization/rehypothecation crisis and corruption on behalf of over 200 million American Homeowners (2.5 per HH) and their families. It’s been a tough 12 years and some families are still fighting fraudulent bank foreclosures since 2009. Can you even imagine a lawsuit and the threat of losing your home for over a decade, waking up every morning wondering when the sheriff is coming to throw you, your family and your belongings out on the street?

Thank you in advance for considering our plight. We applaud your “Moratorium” on evictions and foreclosures and the extension which you added just this week – but Sirs, it’s very limited. It doesn’t reach a lot of people that are in dire need and let us tell you why.

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The Housing Vultures – New Book Review

A Review by Francesca Mari

Homewreckers: How a Gang of Wall Street Kingpins, Hedge Fund Magnates, Crooked Banks, and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions Out of Their Homes and Demolished the American Dream by Aaron Glantz

“In an alternate reality, the one progressives wanted, the government wouldn’t have bailed out the banks during the 2008 crash. When mortgage-backed securities began catching flame like newspaper under logs, the government would have prioritized struggling homeowners instead. It would have created a corporation to buy back the

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It’s no surprise that states with the highest number of foreclosures and evictions have overwhelming homeless problems – why can’t politicians figure this out?! Click HERE and sign this petition for a MORATORIUM on foreclosures and STOP the banks from using our properties to prop up their institutions.
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Hawaii Legislature and Consumer Protection Dept. Recognize Mortgage Fraud – But Defer Action This Year

By Sydney Sullivan

Homeowners in Hawaii are still victims of the mortgage fraud that originated at the turn of the century. Hawaii led the CHARGE changing some of the foreclosure statutes that were relatively unjust toward homeowners and in conflict with due process issues.

Even with those changes the foreclosure process, fraud on the courts, fraudulently concealed parties, forged documents, and troubling securitization/rehypothecation process still plague state records and the courts. Hawaii State Senator Mike Gabbard championed a Resolution “Requesting the Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to convene a MORTGAGE foreclosure fraud task force to develop recommendations to improve mortgage fraud protections for consumers.” Interest by many gave an opportunity for testimony and gained a hearing last Monday. SRC 181. Continue reading

American Nightmare – The Plight of GSE Investors and American Homeowners

By Sydney Sullivan

This will be one of several posts on the future of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Your thoughts and your owns stories are welcome in the comments section.

Nearly a decade ago, in September 2008, US Treasury Chief Hank Paulson unveiled his historic government takeover of twin mortgage buyers, putting the government in charge of the mortgage giants and the $5 trillion in home loans they back. The plan eliminated the top executives which were out and replaced with Wall Street titans.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing on the financial collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, their takeover by the federal government and their role in the financial crisis. The video below is a 4 hour review of a planned response to the crisis in the housing and mortgage markets at the time of the economic meltdown and crash of 2008.

The titans that replaced Freddie CEO Richard Syron and Fannie CEO Daniel Mudd  were two Wall Street finance veterans and were charged with restoring the mortgage magnates to health. Herb Allison formerly served as president of Merrill Lynch was Continue reading

The Habitat for Humanity Scam – Disguised as a charity.

This ought to infuriate just about everyone… How much have we all in construction DONATED to Habitat for Humanity?! Well, let me shed some light on costs to build affordable housing, especially when there is so much labor donated. Separate the materials from the labor and materials will run about $36 -$42 psf on the high side. Full on licensed labor is usually less than $65 psf. Even if nothing is donated an entire affordable home would cost less than $100 psf. The larger the floor plan the less per square foot – it decreases.

What I found astounding, but not surprising is that Habitat for Humanity is in bed with Fannie Mae, of course… never miss a nickel or a chance to land grab, huh?

Fannie and Freddie employees.

Community Organizations Through partnerships at the community level, Fannie Mae is able to meet the needs of families in a far more direct and impactful way. We work with established organizations in communities across the country to prevent foreclosure, revitalize neighborhoods, address homelessness, and much more. For example, in 2011 we partnered with HomeFree-USA, local community and elected officials, and area mortgage servicers to open a Mortgage Help Center in Prince George’s County, MD, to help struggling homeowners in the Washington, DC area. (Read more about Fannie Mae Mortgage Help Centers on page 19 of this report.) Also, as a result of our long-standing partnership with Habitat for Humanity, Fannie Mae employee volunteers built and refurbished homes and properties in particularly hard-hit communities. See A Report on Fannie Mae’s Mission Activities

These guys would securitize their mothers! How horrendous is it to target the poor and then overcharge them for their fictitiously free home – and then have the kahunas to foreclose on these folks?!  Look in your land records office – these crooks even did 80/20 loans – and for someone who cannot afford a home any other way – that sure stinks like intent to tilt the homeowners right on into foreclosure.

Every state in the nation ought to sue the Habitat for Humanity organization, audit their books, follow the money and throw them out of the state! Deceptive advertising is the least of this – targeting the poor for the profits of securitization is morally corrupt;  nah, worse than that – morally and mentally bankrupt.



It’s been a awhile since i posted anything, mainly because I was busy and as real life has a habit of doing, forces you to deal with it.  While I was dealing with life, I had spoken with a neighbor who asked that I sit in with a group of neighbors on the street to hear their story.   The people involved are homeowners who received their homes via Habitat for Humanity.

I’ve always thought of Habitat for Humanity as a good charity who helps people get a home, that they otherwise wouldn’t get.  And that was as a far I as I saw it.   I never went through the process they have, and didn’t dig much into how they operate. I assumed like most that this charity was good and my thoughts never went past that.

So I went and sat with the ten families on my street who…

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