The Truth is Out – Parasites Have Been Driving Cancers and Most Diseases in Our Bodies

This post started when a little known lawsuit was filed against a health center in Hana, Hawaii alleging that the health center that sold fresh produce and a variety of lettuces for organic salads was infested with rat lungworm (RLW) that a patron (who is also the Plaintiff) ingested and “began to show the initial signs of Angiostrongylus sickness almost immediately, and became extremely nauseous, vomiting, within a couple of hours of consumption.”

There’s a solution, yet it’s being kept hidden from us. Who benefits from this secrecy?

ask Physicians Across America

The Plaintiff went in to see the doctors at “the community health center, and then eventually to Maui Memorial Hospital (over 2 hours away) for complications described as Atrial fibrillation. Luckily, the RLW was diagnosed by Dr. Curtis Bekkum in Hana, who specializes in blood disorders and parasite disease, as well as parasite cleansings. Over the next two months, the Plaintiff’s health spiraled downward to the point where he was practically paralyzed for two months, trapped in a body of excruciating pain. He could not walk or stand.”

While there was an initial burst of news and an attempt to create a Rat Lungworm (RLW) taskforce that did very little to educate the residents of Hana, Maui - or the population in general. CDC and the taskforce could have gone door-to-door in this small community – but the broom and the rug was an easier sweep. The original lawsuit might have included the Hana residents as they are all now affected and many still don’t know the seriousness lingering in their gardens. But as many unpleasant things go – the truth continues to be suppressed.

Parasites were not the topic of conversation on the eve of a COVID virus onset. In fact, drugs that might have helped, like Ivermectin and Fenbendazole were shortly to be slandered as horse medications – when they’ve been on the market for years as a safe, inexpensive parasite deworming medication.

As stated in the Complaint (see below) filed on February 12, 2019, “Rat Lungworm is a nematode, or roundworm parasite (Angiostrongylus cantonensis), and is a parasitic worm of rats. The adult form of the parasitic worm is usually found only in rodents. Infected rats pass larvae of the parasite in their feces. Snails and slugs get infected by ingesting the larvae laden feces. These larvae mature in snails and slugs but do not become adult worms. Finally, when rats eat infected snails or slugs and the larvae then mature to become adult worms within the rat, and the life cycle is complete.”

This is not intended to take the place of competent medical advice, but sadly most physicians in America do not believe, have failed to study, or have been barred by the medical, governmental and pharmaceutical companies from discussing or treating parasite infected humans – as many believe that parasites only infect humans in third world countries. It’s time to wake up. If you have pets, a garden, eat salads and raw vegetables – chances are you have parasites.

“Humans are incidental hosts, and cannot pass the larvae to others. However, after the inadvertent ingestion of the parasitic larvae by humans (usually contracted from a slug or snail), Angiostrongylus cantonensis enters the bloodstream through the intestines.

The blood then carries the larvae throughout the body, where the worms migrate to the brain and mature into adult worms, where they then attack the brain and spinal cord.”

“Neurological damage appears to be caused both by the physical damage caused both by the movement of the worms within the brain, and by the inflammation caused by the immune reaction to the worms, which seems to be a more intense reaction to the dead than to the live worms. This can cause extreme, life threatening inflammation, permanent neurological damage, and in some cases even death. Angiostrongylus cantonensis is considered the most common infectious cause of eosinophilic meningitis in humans, and common manifestations include headache, photophobia, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and body aches.”

“Notably, the [RLW] infection can cause a rare type of meningitis (eosinophilic meningitis), although some infected people don’t have any symptoms or only have mild symptoms (depending on the parasitic load); in some other infected people the symptoms can be much more severe. When symptoms are present, they can include severe headache and stiffness of the neck, tingling or painful feelings in the skin or extremities, low-grade fever, nausea, and vomiting.” Read more in the Complaint posted below.

Apparently, per the Dept. of Health, the Hana infestation of rat lungworm was obtained through plants that were purchased in Hilo by the health center. It appears the plants came from Asia and ultimately from. . . China, which has been inundated with the parasites for decades.

Nice info but not enough. Rat Lungworm Disease PSA, Research Funding (Dec. 18, 2017)

Rat Lungworm Parasites are spreading rapidly throughout the southern US

Now, if you’re thinking this is only affecting Hawaii and China – think again! From a September 2023 Smithsonian Magazine article, “While the parasite, called rat lungworm (or Angiostrongylus cantonensis), has shown up in southern states such as Texas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida, this marks the first time it has been recorded in Georgia.” Not to mention, “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention described 16 cases of rat lungworm that occurred in eight states — California, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Alabama, Tennessee and New York — from 2011 to 2017.”

Isn’t it interesting that a flu-like disease originating from parasites is pummeling the United States just as the “COVID” virus in unleashed?

And more recently, good doctors are beginning to open up about the need for parasite cleansing for almost everyone. If you research just about any disease and “parasite” you’ll likely find a connection. A doctor trying to reach out to the general public said, “People often underestimate the dangers, thinking parasites are only limited to intestinal worms. But the truth is far from that. There are so many different types of parasites, some of them so tiny yet incredibly harmful. These sneaky invaders release toxins into the body, making their way through the bloodstream, reaching the heart, and wreaking havoc with their poisonous substances. This whole process can lead to serious conditions like ischemia, heart failure, high blood pressure, and in the worst cases, heart attacks and strokes. It’s not just the heart they target either, parasites can also invade the lungs, liver, and shockingly, even make their way into the brain and eyes.” We’ve just never correlated the diseases with “worms” that can be treated.

Dr. Lee Merritt, The Medical Rebel has been most vocal about the connection between parasites and disease. An especially informative video called is linked here: DR. LEE MERRITT: PARASITES – A NEW PARADIGM (VERY INTERESTING HYPOTHESIS!)

Symptoms vary widely between cases, and the most common ones include severe headaches and neck stiffness. The most serious cases experience neurological problems, severe pain and long-term disability. 

How to prevent rat lungworm disease:

Control snail, slug, and rat populations around homes, gardens and farms. Get rid of these vectors safely by clearing debris where they might live, and also using traps and baits. Always wear gloves for safety when working outdoors. 

Inspect, wash and store produce in sealed containers, regardless of whether it came from a local retailer, farmer’s market, or backyard garden.

Wash all fruits and vegetables under clean, running water to remove any tiny slugs or snails was once thought to be sufficient. More recently professional opinions vary as it is now known the slug and snails can transfer parasites that can imbed themselves into the leaves. Pay close attention to leafy greens.

A Hawaiian fresh vegetable and salad ritual to remember:

A good friend recently said, “we need to lomilomi our lettuces and greens really well in baking soda and vinegar.” And hydrogen peroxide in filtered water isn’t a bad idea for a final rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most versatile chemical compounds that can be put to use in numerous ways. . .Its oxidative character helps to clean wounds, kill bacteria, parasites and fungi, and some say even cure cancer.” –Sara Huntington

Thoroughly cooking all leafy greens appears to be a better protocol – however, that doesn’t leave much room for salads, unless of course the source is known or a monitored hydroponic system, free of snails and slugs.

For a personal parasite consultation and cleansing protocol contact:
Dr. Curtis Bekkum at (808) 248-8840

See also:
Dr. Lee Merritt,
Download Dr. Merritt’s latest parasite cleanse protocol from 1/22/2024.

Dr. Bryan Ardis,

For more parasite information and discussion:
The truth about parasites, diseases and treatments.

CHAT about the truth of parasites, diseases and treatments.