Who Owns the Loan??? Pro Se Homeowner Newman Raises Significant Issues

Pro Se Homeowner Newman raises issues as to whether Freddie Mac or PNC actually own the loan. The Judge appears to be quite astute and asks significant questions as to how PNC could be the real party in interest if PNC or National City had already sold the loan to Freddie Mac. The foreclosure attorney almost sounded like she wanted to tell the judge that Freddie Mac merely “leased” the revenue stream… but she doesn’t quite go that far… besides the homeowner never agreed to allow a “lease,” did they?

The 2nd best part was watching the surprise witness. Mr. Arthur became a bit fidgety. Then he waved to someone at about the 12:13 min. mark. Maybe the Judge caught this…

Body Language

In order to spot a liar, use the person’s usual behavior as a measuring stick to see if they’re stretching the truth.

But when it comes to reading someone, body language also speaks volumes. There are several gestures and mannerisms that can indicate that a person is lying, as long as they differ from the person’s regular actions. They include:

  • Rapid eye movement
  • Crossed arms
  • Constant fidgeting
  • Eyes focused to the right (indicates use of the creative side of the brain)
  • Eyes focused firmly on an object
  • Eye rubbing
  • Legs crossed when seated
  • Legs not planted firmly on the ground when seated
  • Holding an object or gripping ankle, knee or skin of a crossed leg when seated
  • Touching face, such as lips, cheeks, chin or nose
  • Playing with hair
  • Tugging ear
  • Tightened / Pursed-lips

So, what does it mean when someone tightens their lips? Possible causes of someone tightening their lips are that they are holding something back, feeling aggressive or frustrated, that they’re thinking, or it can mean that they are lying.

Liars tend to use exaggerated gestures with their hands after they speak instead of during or before a conversation. The liar’s mind is working hard and doing too many things to make up a narrative, analyzing your reaction as to whether or not you believe them, and then adding to the story accordingly.

A study conducted at the University of Michigan in 2015 examined 120 media clips of high-stakes court cases to dig deeper into how people behave when they are lying versus when they are telling the truth.

Researchers found that the people who lie were more likely to gesture using both hands than those who were telling the truth. The results indicated that people gestured with both hands in 40% of the lying videos, compared to 25% in the honest clips.

Although we’ve always been taught that lack of eye contact is a dead giveaway that someone is lying, this isn’t necessarily true. As we have been conditioned to look people in the eye to psych them out in business and sports, we have all been raised to be good liars.

Great site –
Read more: http://www.askmen.com/money/how_to/58_how_to.html#ixzz2ZpvSeSVQ

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Whether or not you are represented by an attorney understanding the legal system is an asset.  The more you learn, the less likely you are to be taken advantage of or scammed.  Knowledge is power!


5 thoughts on “Who Owns the Loan??? Pro Se Homeowner Newman Raises Significant Issues

  1. What was said ‘off the record’ out of curiosity?

    It seems at 12:20 he appears to have just seen someone behind the judge waving ‘hi’ to perhaps a clerk milling around behind the judge . . . because there was already an opportunity to say ‘hi’ before the hearing started if between the judge and PNC. IMO

    I wish Newman would have been more assertive and asked to see the folder she was waving around as holding the original – she quickly shut it down though – if stuff from the ‘vault’ regarding this was in fact with them so would perhaps a ledger that indicated who/what engaged in transactions with that note and did that note have endorsements . . .

    • I am under the impression that the “waving” gestures of Mr. Arthur is merely noting/indicating for the Judge that his employer, PNC, is the Servicer counsel is referring to in her simultaneous argument.
      However, this is an excellent video. I have viewed it multiple times and is a great educational tool. I am in litigation with PNC so its helpful to try and understand their logic, or lack thereof.
      I am also seeking individuals in the Central Illinois area who may be, or have been in the past, victims of PNC/National City foreclosure proceedings. These individuals may have been subjected to the same violations that I prevailed on. I am hoping to pursue a class-action lawsuit against PNC/National City.

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