EXPERT WITNESSES: Fraudulent Assignments of Mortgage are Void

Good information sometimes bears repeating.

BearThe over-burdened judiciary isn’t always up to speed as quickly as it ought to be and good case law doesn’t always make it to the top of the pile for the clerks to review and digest. Even good attorneys occasionally miss pertinent material.

So, let’s go back to about 2 years ago when Yves Smith, who is an absolutely brilliant author and blogger of “NakedCapitalism” and 4closureFraud, truly a leader in the foreclosure defense blogging pack, wrote about an Alabama securitization case named U.S. BANK v. ERICA CONGRESS.

Of course the case went to appeal and the outcome of the appellate decision was a unanimous decision, the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals reversed a lower court decision on a foreclosure case, U.S. Bank v. Congress and remanded the case to trial court.  The reasons hinged upon 2 superb expert witnesses.   Continue reading