Maui, Hawaii Fires, Red Flags, Fundraising and Donations

By Sydney Sullivan

The devasting fires of August 8, 2023 cannot be accurately described in just words.

The array of feelings range from tremendous pain and sorrow, depression, PTSD, and shell-shocked to being too pissed to cry. People want answers and when they don’t get honest or straight answers, the void gets filled with all sorts of chaotic theories – many of which may be real and others just sensational “news” to get views. The truth is, we just don’t know all of the facts yet or reasons for some of the asinine statements or actions from people we’re supposed to trust.

There is a lot to take into consideration here, who, what, where and why??? – and these are not easily answered questions. Maui is a melting pot of cultures and nationalities that love and celebrate each other bringing a whole new meaning to pot luck. The children are some of the most beautiful ever seen.

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