Utah Homeowner Wins Lawsuit Against Bank of America in Illegal Foreclosure Action

Justice League

(St. George, UT) – Utah Fifth District Judge Jeffrey Wilcox listened to Sam Adamson tell his story on the witness stand about the illegal foreclosure conducted on his home by ReconTrust Company over four years ago. After taking the case under advisement Judge Wilcox issued a ruling stating that the foreclosure sale on Adamson’s home was void and never happened. “Judge Wilcox listened to all of the testimony and carefully reviewed case law and made the appropriate ruling,” Attorney John Christian Barlow, who represents the Adamsons, told KCSG news.

This ruling is significant because it renders ReconTrust foreclosure action invalid as if it never happened. For years Utah homeowners have battled Bank of America (NYSE: “BAC”) and its subsidiary ReconTrust Company over the validity of the bank’s foreclosure actions in Utah, Barlow said.

Read more: KCSG Television – Utah Homeowner Wins Lawsuit Against Bank of America in Illegal…

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How Goldman Sachs Controls The New York Fed: 47.5 Hours Of “The Secret Goldman Sachs Tapes”

It’s a dirty job – but somebody has to do it…

Justice League

As ProPublica reported last year, Segarra sued the New York Fed and her bosses, claiming she was retaliated against for refusing to back down from a negative finding about Goldman Sachs. A judge threw out the case this year without ruling on the merits, saying the facts didn’t fit the statute under which she sued.

At the bottom of a document filed in the case, however, her lawyer disclosed a stunning fact: Segarra had made a series of audio recordings while at the New York Fed. Worried about what she was witnessing, Segarra wanted a record in case events were disputed. So she had purchased a tiny recorder at the Spy Store and began capturing what took place at Goldman and with her bosses.

Segarra ultimately recorded about 46 hours of meetings and conversations with her colleagues. Many of these events document key moments leading to her firing. But against…

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Wall Street scared new attorney general could be NY U.S Attorney Preet

A renewed “hope” – almost afraid to wish…

Justice League

lol Now, that would be a hoot. I hope Obama puts this man on his short list…

Attorney General Eric Holder is heading to the exit door — and that’s making Wall Street nervous.

Executives in the financial services industry see Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara as a possible successor — and with his tough-on-corporate-crime history, believe a renewed focus on Wall Street could be coming to Washington.

Holder, after six years atop the Justice Department, is seen as not interested in highlighting white-collar crimes.

“[Holder] was pretty easy on Wall Street,” Marc LoPresti, a corporate and securities lawyer in New York, told The Post.

“It’s glaring that past financial debacles have led to prosecutions of high-level executives but we have seen almost no prosecution of individuals involved in wrongdoings of financial institutions related to the 2007-2009 financial crisis,” said Anat Admati, a professor of finance at Stanford’s graduate school…

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