“Hardworking” Congress off on a 54 day vacation—only 8 working days after returning from 5 week summer recess

Is it time to change how Congress operates? I’m so tired of political commercials – all lying about each other.

Justice League

Congress roaches-2013

I would certainly been dropped kick to the curb from a job with this type of scheduling by Congress! That’s right, legislators left the Capitol — only eight work days after returning from a five-week summer recess — and will not be back to work for another 54 days, until after the November midterm elections. Rachel Maddow said it all:

“Sixteen-hundred U.S. families have gotten the call that their loved ones deployed to Iraq. They’re flying those missions right now..But Congress? Heading home for another seven-week break, because they can’t be bothered to think about that right now. They’ve got more important business to tend to — they’ve gotta get re-elected.”

Folks, get out and vote the loafers out of office!!!

From Rachel Maddow show: on.msnbc.com/1mkdLI0

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